Monday, September 6, 2010

I cook with Wine, sometimes I even add it to the Food

They say that SPARE THE ROD AND SPOIL THE CHILD. I was behaving like one spoilt kid and had not written for last 4 Months.

And that is only because, in the months gone by, I have not Cooked as much as I would have liked to.

My 2 motivations to Cook, my Wife, has been on a disciplined Diet and my Son, unbeknown to us, has morphed into a raging teenager who is convinced that showing any kind of love, affection and dependence towards Parents went out of fashion along with Bell Bottoms. That is something I am still coming to terms with. But I don't think I ever will!

So here I am, back to what I absolutely missed doing - COOKING and WRITING. The Belly rules the Mind and I am engaging both my Belly and the Mind in a competition to please the other in the hope that they primarily "MOTIVATE" and particularly
"OUTDO" each other.

Armed with this thinking, today I finally banished my apathy and spared myself from the Rod, but I did not spare the Cod. What transpired is a Grilled Cod Loin accompanied by a reduction of Red wine and Honey Sauce served with Salad leaves sprinkled with shavings of Parmesan Cheese and burnt Garlic Pods.

Food without Wine is like a body without aura, Wine without Food is like a shadow without a body, but both, when tastefully matched become a fine combination like none other to please ones Belly and Mind.

Which is why I cook with Wine and sometimes even add it to the Food.