Friday, April 23, 2010

Come on in. Lets see if eating together makes this World a better place


All Conflicts represent a failure of Diplomacy which we consider as a waste of time. Reminds me of an anecdote where the Businessman and a Diplomat finish their meeting and leave together in the Businessman's Car who is frustrated at the outcome of the meeting and tells the Diplomat "Diplomacy is nothing but HOT AIR"! To which the Diplomat replies " Maybe so, but that is what is in the Tyres of this Car and see how smooth it is making the ride ".

If you cannot go Over it, Past it, Around it or Through it, then you better negotiate with it. And what better setting than over a Meal for that. After all, Diplomacy should be the art of letting someone have your way.

Hunger causes frustration but eating is a happy experience which can create the ideal foundation for a much required favorable resolution. Be it a tiff between a Husband and Wife, a difference of opinion with grown up kids and Parents, between old Parents and their smart ass kids and in-laws, between a Boss and sub-ordinates, between Friends, between Heads of two Nations or even between Terrorists. Though in some cases, Heads of Nations and Terrorists are known to have been the same.

Breaking bread together can bring about a magical positive transformation and thaw a Strife. Especially when there is no immediate solution in sight. That is the first and simplest step towards temporizing and seeking a resolution.

Since conflicts don't always arise with advance notice. One should have in his / her armory dishes which can be quickly prepared and served. Like these Rice Noodles Sauteed with Soy sauce, Tofu, Carrots, Spinach, Roasted Peanuts and Cabbage. Which can be accompanied by a variety of home made sauces (Mint, Chili or Tomato), but don't stop at that, try it even with Achar or whatever tingles your or the aggrieved party's taste buds.

It took only 10 minutes to prepare this but the thought which went into its preparation, can cut the ice, animosity and the very reason for Conflict and even nurture understanding amongst complete strangers and resolve the past, current or impending crises. But only if we try.

One has got to believe in something. I believe I will take one more helping!

1 comment:

  1. Well all grand mothers knew it soo well :) and I guess thats where one says man is the head and women is the neck and finall decides where the head should nod....
