Saturday, May 8, 2010

Good sense discovers Ways, Ignorance finds Excuses!

Breakfast is a notoriously difficult meal to serve with oomph and style, unless it is a lavish spread at one of the 5 Stars. But that's like being pushed into an Orgy when all one needs, is to just lovingly hold hands.

Starting the day with BF is the first chance our body has to re-fuel its glucose level also known as blood sugar, which is essential for the brain and is the main Energy source. It is also extremely important for Weight management as it curbs hunger and prevents binge eating later in the day.

Not eating BF, is like operating a device with drained Batteries. Its bound to die on you and then you will be dragging around a lethargic, tired, useless and dysfunctional piece of equipment all day long. That's like consciously bringing about and suffering in-adequacy by;

- forgetting to wear your pants
- leaving home without recharging the phone and
- driving the car with insufficient fuel

Eventually when the fuel runs out in the middle of nowhere, you discover that you can't call anyone for help because you are phone isn't charged. Nor can you get out of the Car because the Pants are not on!

I shudder to imagine how that day is going to unfold. Why then bring about such disastrous days by leaving the house without having BF and risk ruining your most valuable equipment = YOURSELF. Results of sustained abstinence from BF over a long period of time hit the body hard later in life.

People have conveniently convincing excuses for not having BF which is a deceptively MOST important meal the day, yet making BF is very simple. This French toast and Mango Milkshake didn't take more than 5 minutes to make.

INGREDIENTS : 2 Eggs, 1/2 Cup Milk, 1/2 Tsp Sugar, Salt and Pepper to taste, 1/2 Tsp Oil or Butter, 2 slices of Bread

DIRECTIONS : Preheat the pan, Mix all the ingredients together, dip the Bread slices in the Egg Mix and cook on the heated pan till golden brown. Turn over till the other side becomes crispy golden brown and they are ready to serve. Use the remaining egg mix (if any) to make an impromptu Omlette and serve on the side with Ketchup. Wash it down with Mango Milk Shake.

Then do a reality check and see your face in the mirror. I guarantee you that there will be a smile on your face which will be difficult to wipe off through out the day.

Its easy to make the simplest of things and jazz up the presentation to make them tantalizing. Don't skip breakfast by making excuses. An Excuse is a lie in disguise of a Time bomb which explodes much later when most unexpected.

You owe yourself a hearty breakfast to prepare the SELF to enjoy the nice day ahead. Allow good sense to Prevail, don't skip BF and deprive yourself of a smile that will last all day. Bon Apetite.


  1. buddymine! that's a brilliant piece of advice so you'll excuse me if i say it has inspired me to get an omelette and mango milkshake with toast organized for myself as well! breakfst and teatime are my favourite meals of the day!

  2. Lol...nice comparisons done...will make people dread forgetting the breakfast ;-)
    Yeah its no doubt the most important meal..never at least allow my baby to step out of home without it.As for his just tea with rusk before gym and papaya afterwards..but...Weekends are surely set for royal breakfasts :-)
