Sunday, March 14, 2010

FOOD is an importantant part of a Balanced Life

A GOOD LAUGH is just as important to personal health as EATING RIGHT and EXERCISE.

If I had to list the top 3 healthy habits, they would be; BALANCED DIET, MIND NUMBINGLY SATISFYING SEX and LAUGHTER.

This may have been said often , but if we delve deeper and look beneath the obvious, all this is actually a Manifestation of intrinsic Character and fine qualities in a Person....just the tip of a solid Iceberg.

- To have Balanced Diet one has to have a Balanced Mind to correctly choose what we eat and posses the will power to not succumb to dietary indiscretions

- To have a healthy and satisfying sex life one needs to possess sterling qualities like Compassion, Thoughtfulness, Sense of humor, Sensitivity, Physical Fitness, Grooming, Appreciation of fine things in life, Ability to please the other person, Sense of Humor, Know how to give respect, Anticipate needs of others (the list is actually endless) for your Partner to unconditionally fuse with your own being and become one with you and set sail for "destination known, course unknown"


- Laughter improves our overall state of mind and sense of satisfaction with Life, raising our energy level, mood, out look on life and causing us to lean less on unhealthy "comfort" foods.

But these qualities take a lifetime to be developed and its always WORK IN PROGRESS.

Its not surprising how the three dimensions for a healthy life hold each others hands and form a Circle because they cannot exist in isolation.

To sum it up...." Life should be like a Chocolate. Being able to satisfy even when one is not hard "

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