Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Good Idea

One day, our house help came up to me and asked what to make for Yashabh's Dinner. Our man is used to savoring new culinary creations every day, so this is one question I honestly dread to answer.

I decided to resort to Management Theory, be a good Boss and delegate the task back to Durga and asked her to suggest something. She said Tom Kha Kai (Chicken Soup with Galangal Paste and Coconut Milk) and I ecstatically said " GOOD IDEA, put lots of Chicken in it ". And I thought the matter was closed. But..

A week later when it was FOOD TIME again, I asked Yashabh what he wanted to eat and
promptly he replied " GOOD IDEA CHICKEN ".

Being Dad I am supposed to be the wise guy and Mr. Know it all, but in this case I had NO IDEA what Yashabh meant by GOOD IDEA CHICKEN and mind you, back then he was all of 4 years of age. Being 28 years his Senior didn't help in this instance and I was stumped and found myself way out of the Crease!

To prove the old adage about the Child being the Father of the Man, Yashabh began to painstakingly explain what he meant by GOOD IDEA CHICKEN. It was Tom Kha Kai he wanted! He innocently said " remember Papa when Durga recommended what should she make for my dinner and you said Good Idea? THAT Chicken was Yummy, I want THAT Chicken! And the Penny dropped!

What an innocent way to explain like only children can. We must have all had some food in our lives which can be co-related to a memory, or a thought or a sentiment or an event. And that dish can take one back memory lane.

-Butter chicken brings memory of Party times
-Chaat brings memories of dates when money was in short supply and love over-flowing
-Barbecue brings warm memories of Cold Winters spent with dear friends
-Carrot & Cucumber sticks bring back memories of The first Bar I went to as an Adult
-Roasted Corn on the Cob brings back memories of the beach

Coming to think of it, every dish I must have ever had will have a memory associated with it. Either because the food was good or the memory was. Then why do we insist on calling dishes with their traditional names. A Rose called by any other name will smell as sweet. I am going to think of a new name for every dish. GOOD IDEA!


  1. what a beautiful story! takes me back to a little girl i once taught who saud, "my favourite time of the day is early morning when my papa WAKES UP ME AND PICK UPS ME and cuddles me"!! now i never CAN bring myself to say "wake me up" - i always say "WAKE UPS ME"!! children are so so special and it is a privilege for me to have been able to work with them for 24 years now!!

  2. love it... when do i get to try the good idea chicken...
