Tuesday, April 20, 2010


We know this, yet are very insecure and reluctant to keep things simple because we are afraid that if we don't complicate things, people will not think that enough effort went into the task at hand. We always tend to, or perhaps are even pre-programmed at the sub-conscious level to do things by thinking only about " what others will think ".

In fact our whole Being and Persona is 50% what we are and 50% what others think we are and we tend to cater more to other people's perception of us and while doing so, without realizing, we get into a delusional mode. Some people probably go through their whole lives in this mode but that's a different story which can be made into a prime time soap opera with 100% TRP guaranteed by an equally hallucinated audience.

I can confidently say this because I have savored this self-deception, which is quiet enjoyable in the short term and in the process disconnected with the SELF and drifted (probably still drifting every once in a while) till I press the Course Correction button, which incidentally is inside each one of us, and return to the shores of consciousness.

We tend to benchmark ourselves against others and continuously strive to be better than and out do others and more often than not feel frustrated at the result or the lack of it. How often do we benchmark us against ourSELF? Real and tangible achievement is not by being better than someone else but by being better than our former self. This is as difficult as it is simple, which is why we tend to shy away. Actually, how many of us know ourselves? Raise your hands:)

I still have not been able to completely shake off the ghost of the thought and fear that if I don't incorporate complexity in my way of doing things I am just not doing it right. But now I try, many a times through my cooking, like this meal of Penang Kai (Chicken curry with Coconut Milk and Thai Spices) served with Rice. Took about 15 minutes to make and I still got a good rating. Shucks!!!! I am still thinking what others will think:)

By the way did you notice that when I asked how many of us know ourselves, I didn't raise my hand?

1 comment:

  1. :)) true many a times we complicate things for no reason.
